Booking Rules & Tattoo Etiquette
- Alli’s hourly rate is $250. This is non-negotiable.
- A $200 deposit is required to book an appointment. The deposit is non-refundable. No appointments are final without a paid deposit. This will be deducted from the price of your tattoo.
- All tattoos are non-refundable.
- Large scale tattoos may require additional sessions. All follow-up appointments and additional sessions will be scheduled at least two weeks apart to allow for healing.
- Your deposit is subject to loss if you cancel, do not show up, or are more than 15 minutes late to your appointment without notice. If you need to reschedule, please provide at least 48 hours notice.
- To avoid artistic plagiarism, no artwork will be viewable before your scheduled appointment; no photos are to be taken of the artwork before the appointment; and no artwork from Alli’s portfolio or sketchbook may be photographed or sent to another artist.
- Although Alli is happy to make adjustments to the artwork, your deposit is subject to loss if you have major last minute changes to the design.
- All applications submitted are subject to consideration and are not a guarantee of service.
- Your deposit is subject to loss if you are inappropriate towards Alli Baker or any staff members.
- Your deposit is subject to loss if you make any threatening or intimidating remarks to Alli Baker or any staff members.
- You must have your photo ID ready when you arrive.